25 March 2024

Caroline’s Gift

Caroline(1873-1949), Sopia's second daughter. Caroline, is remembered by some of the family for her embroidery and not only did she gift many pieces to family and friends, her love of embroidery was past on and we now have had four more generations of embroiderers. I have not got the photo in the correct place however the embroidered cloth above is my favourite piece of her work. I understand Caroline learnt to stitch at school and I have the workbox that she won there as a prize for her stitching. Sophia I know had an accident on the ship coming to NZ and an old family letter written soon after they arrive here mentions it and that her arm will never be the same so hence I have no record of her stitching. Caroline shared her love of the needle with Florence her daughter (my mother) whose prize piece won an award in the Christchurch A&P Show one year, this is a pice of white cut work. she continued stitching over the years and my sister Joan and I plus our dolls had beautifully smocked dresses and embroidered trims and from her I learnt my first stitches,and too Bullion stitch roses which I have stitched so many over the years. That brings me to the next generation I'm the oldest of the grandchildren and embroidery has played a big part of my life,I taught embroidery for many years and have exhibited in both New Zealand and England, however I have one cousin Maryann Kingston (nee Haworth) mum's brother's second daughter, who has also excelled in her love of embroidery, a beautiful stitcher who too has share her love and knowledge with others. I must ask Maryann about her own family sometime, however my family has continued the tradition. first daughter Jan and then both her daughter Rachel and Caitlin. Caitlin the youngest of the five generations had won two National awards for her needlework.